Personal information
With Best Online Pharmacy visitors can leave their thought that their data will be breached. We are a trusted online pharmacy dealing for quite long years. We made it happen so that customers can gain trust with us and also their required dose of medicine.
We only seek or gather the information that is necessary for us to share some valuable information. Those are one’s name, email address, Gmail ID, and so on. By collecting this we help our customers and the visitors to let know any information that we are going to introduce and the offers.
This way we want customers to seek all of the benefits in terms of saving and health.
Security is on top
When you join us, you share some of the information that is protected by SSL. This way you will be at ease that your data is not misused and also assures 100 % security. All of the data with Best Online Pharmacy is completely safe and you do not have to leave any doubt.
Your consent matters
Whenever you are visiting our website Best Online Pharmacy takes off your consent. If you proceed with it then we can make amendments and in turn not.
Comments visible on the website
Best Online Pharmacy has an option where customers and visitors can leave their comments. We appreciate each one of your thought and take command to deliver the appropriate results. This means if you have any query or question related to the website, our product and anything across we are here to resolve all of your queries.
Shipping of order and its details
When you place an order we take a margin of around 10 days to deliver the product. Sometimes this can be less as well and it depends upon the delivery partner. However, there are also charges made applicable to every order you place and this is dependent upon the order you are placing.
Default shipping address
The shipping address you saved with us, will be used every time you place an order with Best Online Pharmacy. Perhaps at some point, you want to make changes to it then it is quite easy. All you need is to visit our website- log in with the help of your username and password.
Once done you will be redirected toward your profile/account.
Now you can edit the address section and change the one you want to save for future use.
Drugs policy with Best Online Pharmacy
The drugs available with Best Online Pharmacy are to be used by patients who are made for them. We do have information that can be relevant to the medicines and depending upon person to person.
We want patients to seek medical expert advice before consuming it. However, the website owners have not obliged the action or use of any drug mentioned on the website.
Also, we do not ship narcotics or any controlled substances. So you have to be assured here with any such case.